Monday, July 22, 2013

Keep Moving Forward!

I have some awesome news....we are buying a house! YAY! No more renting! SO happy about it! However, we are on a major time crunch, so hopefully things go smoothly. 
Whether we buy a home on time or not, we HAVE to be out of the apartment on Aug. 31st. Just the thought of everything we have to accomplish between now and then made me anxious! But, having moved so many times, I know exactly what to do! Here's a few packing and moving tips to help you too!

Although we have a little less than 6 weeks to move out, I started packing LAST NIGHT. I packed about 4 boxes. Start packing things like knick knacks and decorations or things you know you can live without for a few weeks. Every weekend pack a few boxes, this way you are not spending hours and days packing . Pack up all your winter clothes first (with Utah's crazy weather, I left out 2 or 3 hoodies...). There is only 2 of us, so when it's time to start packing the kitchen I will just slowly start packing up dishes, (you can also start using paper plates for the week that you are moving). I know we are going to be so busy buying our first home, we won't have time to watch movies or read books, so I packed all of them. If we end up having time to sit down and watch a movie, we can go to the library. 
Packing doesn't need to be expensive. You shouldn't have to pay for cardboard boxes! Ask friends and family, go to your local grocer and ask them for boxes. When we had shipments, we kept the boxes. Also, use what you have for padding instead of going out and buying bubble wrap. I pulled out all my sweaters from my closet and wrapped fragile items in my clothes. I also started keeping all those ads we get in the mail.
With our move, not only are we going to be busy buying a home AND moving, but we have birthdays, trips, and a wedding! So I knew by spacing out the packing, and getting some done every week would cut down on stress and time. We won't be packing up anything but personal hygiene items and food on our moving day.

As I pack, I clean and organize. I throw away or donate a lot of stuff! If you don't want to pack it or move it, get rid of it! Yesterday we put items for sell on Craigslist and other local classified ad. Not only are you getting rid of stuff you don't use, but you are also making money! We are using the money we make on earnest money and for new furniture. 
Also, clean as you go. This is really important for renters! Once you clear out a room, deep clean. If you rent, you probably want that deposit back (which is also nice to use for furniture, or a new deposit if you are renting again). The cleaner your place is, the more you'll get back. 

 Our Living's a mess...

Other Important Things
Not only do you have to pack and unpack, but there are other things you have to take care of when you move:
  • Changing Your Address: UGH! I hate this one the MOST! Collect your mail over the course of 4 to 6 weeks, make note of who is sending you mail. Write down all important addresses that you need to notify. Bills, family and friends, etc. Don't forget to make sure you change your address on your Driver's License. Also put in an address change with the post office so any mail you miss can get forwarded.
  •  Utilities: Make sure you cancel them at your old place and set them up at your new place. This also includes the cable and internet company. 
  • Scheduling the Moving truck: You may need a truck or even a company to help with moving. Schedule 4 weeks out. Call around or do research to get estimates. Also, make sure your boxes are clearly labeled (I even number them.). That way you know what is in every box so if the movers just put them in one general area you know what goes where.
  • Cleaning: In every experience I have had in moving, when I move in somewhere it is disgusting and dirty! Even our brand new apartment was! I would feel bad if I left our old place a mess for the new occupants. If you clean as you pack, you won't have to do too much cleaning after you load up your stuff. As for the new place, if you can, try to get in one to two days before moving in and clean. If you have an air purifier I would suggest setting it up then, that way when you move in everything is clean and there is no dust floating around.
  • Making the new place look and feel like home: Get paint samples a few weeks ahead, look around your new home pretty thoroughly. Does it need new counter tops? New floors? What can you afford NOW and what can wait? 
I hope this is helpful! You will probably hear more from me as the weeks go by! Hopefully I have more good news to share soon! What are some of your favorite packing tips?  


  1. These are very helpful. Who could have thought moving can be easy? For me, the key to have a successful moving day is to be organized and have a good moving truck company to help you in transporting all of your boxes, electronics, and furniture. Anyway, I wish you well in your packing and soon to be moving day. #Renea @

    1. Well, I should have a disclaimer saying we don't have any little ones! I'm sure moving for two is A LOT easier than moving with kiddies! Thanks for the well wishes!

  2. An organized plan is the key to get any project or work done successfully with less burden. In this matter - moving - there's no better way to ease it than having it planned ahead of time. This way, you could pick which would go and which ones you'll take with you. Six weeks is enough time-table to do it so. Good luck on the move! []
